White Dental Beauty Mild is a gentle and safe tooth whitening gel that has been formulated to help people with sensitive teeth, whiten with confidence.
The unique 5%CP formula of White Dental Beauty Mild, which incorporates NOVON®, enables the same bleaching results as a standard 10%CP gel when applied for 2 hours a day, resulting in less overall sensitivity.*
NOVON® is an exclusive patented technology (US Patent no. 8815217 B2) that produces an enhanced whitening effect.
White Dental Beauty Mild is the perfect treatment for patients who suffer from sensitivity but still want to whiten their teeth.
* Independent studies show;
The same shade results were achieved with White Dental Beauty Mild 5%CP, when compared to a competitor product of 10%CP gel.
There was less sensitivity recorded using White Dental Beauty Mild 5%CP, immediately after treatment, than with a competitor product of 10%CP gel.
The sensitivity recordings after a 3 month period were the same with both products.
A new three-component formulation for the efficient whitening of teeth (Carbamide Plus) Hyland et al Clinical Oral Invest (2015) 19:1395–1404
Carbamide Plus is now known a NOVON