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NAOL Mini-Mold Bite Ramp 3mm -8

Product Code: OA-700-117


The ramp prevents the bite from deepening. Also reduces the force on the TMJ and relaxes the mandible.

The Bite Ramps are easy to make and use.

  • Etch and prime the lingual of the maxillary centrals.

  • Fill the Bite Ramp mold with a light-cure material.

  • With light pressure, place and hold the filled mold against the tooth with the flat edge of the mold parallel to the incisal edge of the central then cure.

  • To ensure that the ramps are equal on both teeth use a bracket height gauge to mark the lingual incisal edge where the flat edge of the mold will be placed.

Note: If your ramp does not extend far enough lingually to engage the lower anterior teeth, you may need the 5mm ramp. (#700-117L).

Pack of 8 tips & 1 handle.

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