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Product Code: O2-100-876



This .021 x .027 archwire is an ideal finishing wire in Self Ligating Bracket Systems as it completely fills the bracket slot.

A heat activated Nitanium Archwire specifically designed for consistent performance and low tooth moving forces, the Bio-Kinetix Thermally Activated Nitanium Archwire provides outstanding resiliency and demonstrates ultimate thermal performance. The archwire is soft at room temperature allowing for easy ligation.

Benefits of using the Bio-Kinetix Thermally Activated Nitanium Archwire:

  • Excellent shape integrity and shape memory for a heat-activated archwire.

  • Temperature Transition Range (TTR)= 80-90 degrees F (26.7-32.2 Celsius.)

  • Optimum and consistent performance.

  • Easy ligation at room temperature.

  • Outstanding resiliency.

  • Offers slightly lower forces than the Bio-Kinetix Plus.

  • Ideal for use during cases that have significant crowding.

  • Very responsive to chilling which allows patient to ease discomfort with cold temperature items.

  • Low force provides greater patient comfort, and helps control torque early in treatment.

  • ProForm Arch Shape.

Pack of 10.

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