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NOCORD VPS Kit 2 x 50ml Tray 1 x 50ml Wash + Tips & Nozzles

Product Code: CE-310280

The NoCord™ VPS Introductory Kit is a revolutionary one step, self-retracting, impressioning system designed specifically for the wash and tray technique. It consists of the Centrix NoCord™ Wash and NoCord™ MegaBody™ Tray Materials which together produce highly accurate dental impressions without the need for retraction cords and pastes.

NoCord Wash and NoCord MegaBody Tray Materials are addition-reaction silicone-based elastomeric materials, or vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) impression materials, offering excellent physical and dimensional properties as well as providing high accuracy and stability.

Without a separate retraction procedure, NoCord Wash and MegaBody Tray Materials have been specially formulated to work together as a system and should always be used together to obtain the best, final impression results.

Kit includes:
  • NoCord Wash Material (1 x 50mL)
  • NoCord MegaBody Tray Material (2 x 50mL)
  • SuperMixer™ Mixing Tip, 12 Teal Hubs (use with tray materials)
  • SuperMixer Mixing Tip, 12 Yellow Hubs with 18 gauge green hub stainless steel tip (use with wash materials)
  • 3.n.One™ Impression Trays Samplers (2 anterior and 2 quadrant dual arch trays)
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