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AquaCare Sylc BioGlass - Green - 40g, 4-Pack

Product Code: M4-I-PDR0034F


Powered by Novamin, the AquaCare Sylc Powder is a calcium sodium phosphosilicate powder, which is a highly biocompatible material composed of elements that occur naturally in the body’s hard tissues (Ca, Na, Si, P, and O). When exposed to an aqueous environment, Sylc undergoes a rapid surface reaction, allowing it to physically adhere to exposed dentin and to physically occlude tubules. Within a short period of time, essentially all of the Sylc reacts to form hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA), which is chemically similar to natural tooth mineral.

It is designed to offer an ability to remove stain, plaque, biofilm and remineralise efficiently without the soft tissue sensitivity often associated with the crystalline structure of Sodium Bicarbonate. The process starts immediately and takes effect over the following 24 hours. This means that during the stain removal procedure, open dentine tubules are occluded with HCA. This gives a much longer-term desensitising effect than can be obtained with Sodium Bicarbonate, which is water soluble.

In addition to the clinical benefits of cleaning, desensitising and protection, AquaCare Sylc offers an easy, pleasant experience for both you and your patients. As a Silica based product there is no salty taste as there is with Sodium Bicarbonate. Sylc is a rounder, harder particle when compared to Sodium Bicarbonate making stain removal much more efficient at the same air pressures.

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